(I've spent a couple hours trying this on my own, but to no avail.)<br>
On my theme Connections, I need to have the date styled differently. It should be: <br>
day date month year, <br>
Wed Dec 14 2005 or <br>
D M d(or j) Y<br>
I have no idea what to change, or how to change it. (I have a funny feeling that template.php plays a roll in this.)<br>
While I would have loved to come up with an answer on my own, I don't
think I can. The documentation in the handbook is poor. <br>
The function in the api is at <a href="http://drupaldocs.org/api/4.6/function/format_date">http://drupaldocs.org/api/4.6/function/format_date</a><br>
I'd appreciate it if someone could help me with this.<br>