I'm running drupal 4.7 and using the k2 theme, I have slightly modified the theme to suit my needs but I'm missing few things, one of the major ones is having my right sidebar menu being fully RTL, as you can see on my blog
<a href="http://yousef.raffah.com">http://yousef.raffah.com</a> it is quite buggy and ugly looking yet :(<br><br>I would really appreciate your help and feedback<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----<br>
Version: 3.12<br>GIT d- s: a- C++ UL+++ P L+++ E- W+++ N o-- K- w-- <br>O-- M+ V- PS PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5 X R- tv-- b+ DI- D+ <br>G e++ h--- r+++ y+++ <br>------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------