Hi,<br><br>I thought about using taxonomy terms to create navigation sections for my personal site I'm re-designing.<br>Suppose to have <a href="http://www.example.com/first-term">www.example.com/first-term</a>, where "first-term" is the name of a section. My idea was to attach a theme for every page related to that taxonomy term, in order to have a different theme for each section.<br>
<br>Is that possible?<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>~ Cristian Palmas ~<br><a href="http://www.cristianpalmas.it">http://www.cristianpalmas.it</a><br><br>Chi vuole davvero realizzare i propri sogni, si sveglia all'alba<br>
<br>One who really wishes to realize his own dreams, wakes up at dawn<br>