[consulting] Req for (paid) support

John Sechrest sechrest at jas.peak.org
Sat Dec 24 02:00:16 UTC 2005

So you are outlining that RSSFWD is a tool that will allow you to take
an RSS feed and convert it to a mail message.

However, as I am looking about, I have not yet see a functional bi-directional
web forum  <-> email list tool which allows you to be on email and participate
in the discussion and at the same time have others using the forum and 
participate in the discussion and to have it all work seemlessly.

So in this case RSSFWD is a bandaid starting from the assumption that
forums are the right place to do this work. Not everyone starts with that assumption.
And so this bandaid does not really help us move the discussion forward.

Issues that make the web forum <-> mail not work correctly involve things like:
 a) timeliness of messages
 b) Control of access to messages (access by non-members)
 c) quoting of parts of messages
 d) message format
 e) Threading of messages
 f) Versionitis between mechanisms
 g) elimination of spam from non-members

That brings us to three questions:

 1) What is the prefered mechanism for the consultants on the list for people
    to find you? 

 2) As a consultant, if you were given the task of making drupal seemlessly
    link email and web forums, what is the recipe (step by step configuration)
    which you would use to get there.

 3) As a list of consultants who are at some level cooperating on making
    drupal better on one hand. And competing for work on the other...
    Would you prefer the cooperative conversations to be in the same
    place as the RFP/RFQ notice? Or in a different place?


=?utf-8?q?B=C3=A8r_Kessels?= <ber at webschuur.com> writes:

 % http://www.rssfwd.com/
 % (but yes, this is really no part of Drupal consultancy. sorry)
 % _______________________________________________
 % consulting mailing list
 % consulting at drupal.org
 % http://lists.drupal.org/mailman/listinfo/consulting

John Sechrest          .         Helping people use
                        .           computers and the Internet
                          .            more effectively
                                 .       Internet: sechrest at peak.org
                                              . http://www.peak.org/~sechrest

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