[consulting] Drupal Primer Course

Darrel O'Pry dopry at thing.net
Wed Apr 12 17:53:40 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 22:59 +0200, Adrian Rossouw wrote:
> Hey guys.
> Kieran suggested I post to this list about my plans.

> Remember, the goal is not to mint new programmers. The turning people  
> who already know
> PHP / XHTML / CSS into Drupal developers.
> Does anyone have any input on this ? What should we be teaching  
> people getting into drupal?

I think learning about drupal should start with and understanding of the
module and menu system and some of the basic techniques used to enable
it. Since PHP isn't necessarily a 'programming' language covering some
concepts like callbacks, how php handles runtime argument passing
func_get_args(), and static variable tricks(caching, etc). I think
making sure you students understand those things will make learning the
rest of drupal. After that it becomes details about hooks and their
return values, which are well documented, and change form time to time.

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