[consulting] dedicated server hosting options?

Khalid B kb at 2bits.com
Wed Feb 15 04:24:02 UTC 2006

On 2/14/06, Laura Scott <laura at pingv.com> wrote:
>  I'm just wondering what kinds of dedicated server solutions people may have
> found out there? Our shared and reseller plans seem to be outgrowing the
> patience of our current hosts. Any tips or recommendations would be greatly
> appreciated.

Is VPS an option?

I mean, it is like a dedicated server, and allows much more customization, e.g.
how many Apache processes, how many MySQL threads, ...etc, without the

It can be a lot of work though. Most of it is "you are on your own" plan, where
you upgrade everything.

If you are Linux savvy, then consider it an option.

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