[consulting] dedicated server hosting options?

John Handelaar john at userfrenzy.com
Wed Feb 15 05:49:12 UTC 2006

Laura Scott wrote:
> I'm just wondering what kinds of dedicated server solutions people may 
> have found out there? Our shared and reseller plans seem to be 
> outgrowing the patience of our current hosts. Any tips or 
> recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

MBR.org and ABCtales.com both have dedicated units
at Servermatrix running Debian.  (As does evolt.org)
Each has extremely good uptime (evolt is nudging
its way towards the top of the Netcraft chart for
that).  Plus they're reasonably priced.

[I don't use/trust control panels.  Hell, these two
don't even have ftp access...  I know that Servermatrix
also does non-Debian *nixes


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