[consulting] paid work on workflow module

fago nuppla at zites.net
Mon Sep 11 15:35:39 UTC 2006

I'm working on a project with a quite close deadline. So it would be great, 
if somebody with some experience with the workflow module could do some paid work on the module for me.

I would need the workflow issues fixed, which I already opened,
especially the performance improvements & code cleanup:

Then the ability to define multiple workflows per content-type would be
So we would also need a separate workflow tab, for each workflow.

and I would like to see the changes I proposed here:
http://drupal.org/node/65602, so that pogramatically supplying a
workflow works better.

Project deadline would be Sept 25th. My client pays 500$ for all this by using PayPal, if possible.
Of course, the code will be GPL and hopefully it'll go into the offical workflow module (if desired by its maintainer).

If you are interested, please contact me through my contact page (http://drupal.org/user/16747/contact) to include your drupal ID.

(Wolfgang Ziegler, Austria)

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