[consulting] Drupal Data Mining

Michael Haggerty mhaggerty at trellon.com
Thu Aug 30 15:22:53 UTC 2007

It was only a matter of time before I crossed this bridge.


I am working on a project where I need to do some data mining within Drupal.
Specifically, I need to index nodes to find keyworks and associate those
nodes automatically with taxonomy terms. In addition, I need to store
relationships between taxonomy terms when they appear in the same nodes.


Has anyone done something similar in the past or have any suggestions on
where to start? At the most basic level, I could write a script that does a
regex for each taxonomy term on each article entered, but that sounds like a
processing beast and I would prefer to go another route.

Thank you,
Michael Haggerty
Managing Partner
Trellon, LLC
 <http://www.trellon.com> http://www.trellon.com
(p) 301-577-6162
(c) 240-643-6561
(f) 413-691-9114
(aim) haggerty321


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