[consulting] Looking for Drupal developer

Bhanu Prakash BhanuPrakash at InfopeopleCorp.com
Thu Dec 6 17:47:37 UTC 2007


We are looking for a Drupal developer
Here are the details of the project...

Position           :  Drupal developer

Duration          :  Full time/Permanent
Location          :  New york City


Need strong Drupal developer 




Good experience in PHP is also fine


If you are interested, Please get back to us with

Updated resume:


We shall get back to you shortly upon your resume getting short-listed for a technical discussion. We have multiple opportunities for professionals with the same skill set and we would highly appreciate if you could refer any of your friends / associates.

<mailto:bhanuprakash at infopeoplecorp.com> 


Looking forward for a fruitful association...



Bhanu prakash. G
Info People Corp
Ph# 408-328-6430
E Mail: bhanuprakash at infopeoplecorp.com <mailto:bhanuprakash at infopeoplecorp.com> 



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