[consulting] ActiveCollab

Khalid B kb at 2bits.com
Thu Jan 4 16:44:16 UTC 2007

On 1/4/07, Sami Khan <sami at etopian.net> wrote:
> Guys,
> In relation to tracking cases and what consultants are currently using,
> I thought I would put ActiveCollab on your radar if it's not already
> there. It's "*an easy to use, web based, open source collaboration and
> project management tool*." I haven't had a chance to try it out or
> compare it to current solutions including case tracker, but I thought I
> might put it out there for discussion. The guy writing it is writing an
> API in order to help other apps communicate with it. I don't know if
> it's been already discussed, so please excuse me if it has.
> Screenshot:
> http://www.activecollab.com/files/screenshots/project-overview.png

I think it was briefly mentioned in the first round of "what tools are out

Note that it says "under heavy development", and that it requires MySQL with

>From the screen shot, it seems to be competing with the likes of Base Camp
with milestones, messages, ..etc.

There is even a comparison between them here, which is pro-ActiveCollab:

That API seems like a very good thing. Someone wants it Drupalized already.

Think of being able to create something like Basecamp within a Drupal

If someone else used ActiveCollab, can they please write what they
liked/disliked about it?
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