[consulting] preview of a home page

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sat Jan 6 11:02:00 UTC 2007

Op vrijdag 5 januari 2007 18:48, schreef Moshe Weitzman:
> > If you are looking for a one-way publishing system, where one group
> > (editors) define what another group (readers) see, I think Drupal is the
> > wrong choice.
> i disagree. drupal is great for this application. see
> http://www.angrydonuts.com/publishing_articles_a_tutorial

Consider this question (I am sure you have received it several times from 
clients): "I would like to know how the site looks for my visitors", or "how 
can i see how an article really looks" (where really is interpreted as 'the 
way anonymous users see it).

Drupal can certainly be hacked into shape to allow this to some extend. But, 
it will never get where Joomla![] or texpattern[1] get. For various reasons, 
such as not having a distinct admin area.

This example illustrates my point exactly: 
Eventhough drupal can be moulded into a publishing system, there are far 
better CMSes specially buld for that. Texpattern and Joomla! being my 
personal choices. I am not saying these two are technically or feature-wise 
superior to Drupal. I am simply saying that, because they are developed 
for/as a publishing platform in the first place, they do the job much 
better[3] then Drupal can ever do. 

Drupal is still community plumbing at heart, the fact that there is no real 
admin area (I like that fact) is the clearest proof for this statement. But 
there are many more details which make it hard (or just a lot of work) to 
build Drupal into a publishing system. I could fill five such emails with all 
the little quircks to explain that, but I thnik we all know this is right. 

Lets not make the mistake to present Drupal as the ultimate publishing 
platform solution. Instead let us be honoust: Drupal can be squeezed into a 
publishing platform with the help of an expert, but it will never be 
as 'good' as dedicated publishing platforms are. My advice: when all you 
need, is a good publishing system, then choose something  that already is a 
good publishing platform (re: that 'drupal considered harmful' discussion).


[1] http://www.textpattern.com/screenshots/?s=text_html_preview (inline real 
end-user previews)
(preview icon)
[3] http://codex.wordpress.org/Image:Admin_Panel_Write_Post_1.5.png (view 
site »)
Drupal, Ruby on Rails and Joomla! development: webschuur.com | Drupal hosting: 
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