[consulting] Anyone interested in doing drupal for nonprofit seminars with Idealware?

David Geilhufe dgeilhufe at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 21 20:41:23 UTC 2008

I've been doing an ongoing series of webinars for nonprofits with Idealware (www.idealware.org). They are basically an intro to Drupal, Joomla and Plone to educate people so they can pick between the different technologies.

I'm ready to pass the baton and am looking for a consultant or consulting shop that works a lot with nonprofits that would like to take over the Drupal demo and pitch. The webinars are about quarterly, take up about 90 minutes and have from 10-30 participants. Co presenters include Ryan Ozimek from Picnet and Patrick Shaw from NPower. We usuallyu do a live version at the NTC every year.

If your interested and you've come to peace with the fact that, for 90% of nonprofit use cases, any of the systems will work fine as long as you have a good consultant AND can good naturedly pitch all the great things about Drupal and the Drupal community, drop me an email.
David Geilhufe
skype: dgeilhufe
dgeilhufe AT yahoo --  com

Add me to your address book... <https://www.plaxo.com/add_me?u=34359748358&v0=19951&k0=-658465201> 
Connect with me on Linkedin... <http://www.linkedin.com/in/geilhufe>

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