[consulting] copyright policies

Dave Cohen drupal at dave-cohen.com
Fri Jan 25 00:53:20 UTC 2008


I strongly encourage clients to accept the GPL as the license.  You can make 
the arguments that sharing with the community will lead to better overall 
code.  I also explain that Drupal and contrib modules are already GPL.  So a 
portion of the code I deliver _will_ be GPL, and its "simpler" and "easier" 
to put the entire deliverable under the same license.

I also explain that exceptions to this rule can be made for themes.  That is I 
won't be sharing their customized look and feel with anyone else.


On Thursday 24 January 2008, Robert Garrigós Castro wrote:
>  I'm having a bit of an issue with a new employer on the copyright of the
> code I will write for them and I wonder what copyright policies other
> freelance drupal developers have.
>  I tend to ask to keep authorship of the code and have my name into the
> code as the author, although I yield all other rights to the employer. Is
> this a normal procedure for anybody else? Are you having similar conflicts
> with the businesses hiring you as developers and their copyright policies?

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