[consulting] Drupal Certification

Tom Geller tom at tomgeller.com
Fri Aug 7 16:32:25 UTC 2009

Sam Cohen <sam at samcohen.com> writes:

> I developed an online course for a nonprofit client (using Drupal of  
> Course)
> and we stayed away from the word "certification" but did offer a
> "certificate of completion" at the end.

That's exactly what Lynda.com does for my two Drupal courses: See http://www.lynda.com/home/CertificateOfCompletion/LearnMore.aspx 
  and http://www.lynda.com/home/ViewCourses.aspx?lpk0=413 .

--Tom, who sort-of-relevantly and by pure coincidence just finished  
rereading the Socialist novel, "The Jungle".

           Tom Geller  *  Oberlin, Ohio  *  415-317-1805
              Writer/Editor * http://www.tomgeller.com
     articles, marketing, training materials, user guides, books

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