[consulting] Workflow revisions, scehduling, etc

Christian Pearce christian at pearcec.com
Fri Dec 11 21:35:03 UTC 2009

I have been using Drupal since 5.x implemented Workflow, revision
moderation, and the scheduler recently tried Rules and Revisioning.

Currently I am trying to only pick modules that have the coveted
of approval for obvious reasons.  This lead me to examine Rules.  On
the surface I like rules it seems very versatile, but it is pretty complex,
I almost wish modules developers would build workflow module with good
prebuilt rules sets.  I started to implement the status CCK field drop down
with Draft -> Archive, but felt the interface left for the author was
confusing if he had access to a field that let him move it to Published
despite the fact there was no rule available for their role to have any
impact. At this point I settled on Revisioning and Scheduler.  What I don't
like is that an author can't tell the publisher when he wants it schedule by
setting the publish on date.  Of course they can communicate this in the
revision log, which is what I will recommend.  Further a pending revision
can't be scheduled.  Which might not be a big deal, since it is already
published.  It seems to me good workflow would have the ability to do both
these things and not require complex a complex setup.

Ok so Drupal is great I love it.  I know other consultants out there must be
asked to implement this sort of workflow for their customers.  Where are you
at with it?  What sort of setups have you implemented as of late?

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