[consulting] List for Independent Drupal Consultants -- Anyone?

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 19:49:50 UTC 2009

>> What does "consultant (as opposed to a developer)" mean?
> There are many issues that can be resolved by writing more code, changing
> how drupal works. Those are really where the developers excel. However, this
> list was focused on how to use the current tools and to not go into the
> process of solving every problem by re-re-writing code to make it work a
> specific way.
> Developers tend to be code-facing and use that hammer to solve problems.
> Consultants tend to be client-facing and are using a different set of tools
> to solve problems. Specifically they tend to see Drupal as a tool to solve a
> problem instead of a project in need of attention.

I thought that's what it meant. You meant a "as opposed to a Drupal
core developer." Many consultants are developers--be it theme
development or module development.

OK, anyway it's clear now.


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