[consulting] Sluggishness Concern

Sam Cohen sam at samcohen.com
Thu Mar 5 16:13:08 UTC 2009

Hi all,

Sorry if this if off-topic ...

I've got a new client that I'm implementing a solution for, but based on the
number of modules needed, I'm a bit concerned about sluggishness --
something I've been hearing complaints from my clients about with Drupal 6.

All my Drupal 5 sites work really fast.  But the 4 Drupal 6 sites I've set
up are all sluggish, especially for logged in users.

A dedicated server is definitely a possibility if the client's business
works out, but in the beginning they want to start with a shared host.

So my question is, has anyone found any shared hosts that a
heavily-module-loaded Drupal 6 site can really fly on?

I've tried 3 or 4 hosts by now, and all seem equally slow.

Or is just luck of the draw?  You get on a shared server without a lot of
other sites and the site works great.  If it's a busy server, you're out of

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