[consulting] Future of the Consultants Group... groups.drupal.org

Sam Cohen sam at samcohen.com
Sun Mar 8 13:55:59 UTC 2009

> It is important that a Free Software worker or consulting group
> understand that there is no shame in not knowing all the answers.

It's not about shame, it's about privacy and a desire among professionals to
have an area that is just for professionals.

It would be no different for any profession.  Do you think doctors would
want every question they ask other doctors to be made public?

A doctor shouldn't feel shame or insecurity for asking questions -- it makes
them a better doctor -- but it doesn't then follow they should be ok with
every question and conversation they have be open to the world.

Openness is a great thing, but that doesn't mean it's right for every

I'm not saying this now to ague that point for this group.  Just to reply to
the above.  It seems that the will of the group is that this should be a
public forum.

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