[consulting] preparing clients for Drupal 5 obsolesence

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 11:46:09 UTC 2009

>> Not to mention that some vital Drupal 6 modules (filefield for CCK for
>> example) are still in Alpha. Hard to even suggest an upgrade from a
>> stable Drupal 5 site that works perfectly to an alpha level D6 site.
> If it's good enough for Dries, it's good enough for me:
> http://acquia.com/release-notes/1.2.2-Drupal-6.9-core

Very interesting. Thanks.

> In the case of the two sites I mentioned, it won't be easy. It probably will
> be several days of work for each one. I'm committed to doing it because I'd
> rather lose that time than lose my reputation as a trustworthy provider of
> secure, reliable, and expandable Web 2.0 technology. It doesn't matter if
> it's easy or not; it's the right thing to do.

Why is it the right thing to do? I am not arguing--just asking,
because I really don't know. If a D5 site is running perfectly and has
all the functionality required and it has all security updates, what
is the reason to upgrade it?


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