[consulting] Established clients seeking technical training.

Chris Miller chris at trailheadinteractive.com
Tue Nov 17 18:42:21 UTC 2009

Hello all,

I have a friend employed by an established and profitable client of 3 years,
that is asking for independent training and instruction on Drupal
development.  This friend has a few basic technical skills, and dabbles in
side projects.  We're using Drupal for several projects at said friend's
job.  I've heard the analogy that "A plumber wouldn't teach you how to fix
the pipes", and I'm looking for a nice way to say that to my friend.  Has
anyone else had to deal with this situation?  How did it turn out?

Honestly I have no interest in training anyone to independently do the work
that puts food on my table.  I've thought about just charging 3x my normal
rate and milking it.  Is that wrong?

 Chris Miller
 Trailhead Interactive
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