[consulting] Lessons learned from consulting

Sami Khan sami at etopian.net
Wed Nov 25 15:01:45 UTC 2009

>> if you get to a point where you have to
>> whip out a bulky contract and point at it, you might win the battle, but
>> you've probably already lost the war.
> Contracts are like fences.  But ultimately it is about the relationship
> you
> have with the other side.  That is why I think it is important to work
> directly for people and not be a sub, you can't manage the expectations
> the end client.
> You are write though if it gets to the point of whipping out the contract
> it
> is over.

Obviously, it's over... However, it may mean the difference between getting
paid and not... I don't know about you, but I prefer to get paid for the
work I did, especially if it's over... As do a lot of wives. ;) 


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