[consulting] American Labour Laws & Future of Labour

Jeff Greenberg jeff at ayendesigns.com
Sat Aug 21 20:29:10 UTC 2010

I -would- like to know where the money will come from to fund 
other-than-profit-driven businesses if profit-driven businesses go away? 
If there are no longer 'rich' businesses or employers (or employees) to 
tax ... from where does the government derive the money to fund the 
other type of businesses? Drupal is often held out as an ideal model. I 
love open source and the Drupal model as much as the next person. 
However, if that were THE model? Every year when reams of people 
contributed (and contribute) to the creation and furtherance of 
Drupal... what were they doing to put food in their mouths and the 
mouths of their families? Were most not working for for-profit 
businesses? And those who were not, who maybe received stipends or 
grants...from where would they arise if there was no source of income 
available to generate them that ultimately led back to for-profit 

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