[consulting] Responding to RFPs

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 13:23:57 UTC 2010

The last comment here: http://tinyurl.com/ybjvcgn says:

> unless you are in an agency large enough to have a dedicated staff member to write [responses to] RFPs then forget it because it’s too time consuming for small agencies and freelancers to write responses to RFPs.

I added the brackets. A commenter above (the author actually) claims that he:

> produced solid responses to more than a dozen RFPs with a win rate of less than 2%,

Don't know how you can have a 2% win rate unless you were to do 50
responses and win just one, but anyway these guys are designers, not
math majors. :)

I myself am a programmer, not a designer. Do people think this is
correct? That a 'mere' freelancer like myself shouldn't bother with
RFPs? Even for a project I think I could handle?


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