[consulting] Shameless self-promotion of my 8 week Drupal course

Sam Cohen sam at samcohen.com
Thu Apr 21 16:07:21 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

I hope this isn't outside the bounds of this list.

I've developed an 8 week long online Drupal course, as part of my efforts to
move away from building sites into training.

The idea behind the course is to help people in the way I personally learn
best, which is in a structured environment with regular assignments and
mandatory classes.  I do a three hour live online class each week and
provide assignments with a one to two hour videos of the assignments.

I'm almost finished with the first course and the participants seem quite
happy with it.

The reason I'm writing you all is because I put two more dates on the
calendar (May 3 and 4th), and while I keep the classes small, I do have few
more seats to fill, so if any of you know anyone who might benefit, I'd
appreciate your spreading the word.   The course is aimed at site builders,
not developers, so if you have any site admins that want to really take a
site you built for them to the next level, such as building views, content
types, etc, this could be good for them.  I also have a number of people
working for design and ad firms taking the class, to help with their skills,
so you can potentially use it for your employees. (Feel free to contact me
off-list to discuss and further discounts for more than one person)

I also give nonprofits and members of the Drupal association a 10%

If anyone can send me students, I'd like to offer you a $40 amazon gift card
as a thank you for any referral.

Here's info about the course

Thank You,

Sam Cohen, Principal
New Media Solutions <http://new-media-solutions.com>
Drupal Training & Services

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