[consulting] Consulting Opp- Drupal Developer in NYC

Nancy Wichmann nan_wich at bellsouth.net
Mon Oct 21 21:17:47 UTC 2013

It depends to some extent on the market in which you are operating and your total experience level. I know US developers who charge $40 per hour and I know some who charge $200. I suspect that the lower your rate, the more work you might get - unless your rate is too low.

But I don't know of any employers who will consider five months to make you a "seasoned" developer. Most require upwards of two years, and many want at least five years.


> From: "Philip_Wetzel at nhd.uscourts.gov"
>I've been a .net developer for ....well a long time.   I kind of fell into
>this Drupal gig about
>5 months ago.  So, now I know Drupal.
>I was wondering.  How much in demand are seasoned Drupal developers?
>What kind of money do they charge?  Ball park.
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