[drupal-devel] [feature] Roles should not be separated by a BR.

factoryjoe drupal-devel at drupal.org
Thu Apr 14 18:00:06 UTC 2005

Issue status update for http://drupal.org/node/20457

 Project:      Drupal
 Version:      cvs
 Component:    user.module
 Category:     feature requests
 Priority:     normal
 Assigned to:  Morbus Iff
 Reported by:  Morbus Iff
 Updated by:   factoryjoe
 Status:       patch

What's interesting about your point, Ber, is that in this case, we
really don't need a wrapper per se... instead, if you just threw a
class on the containing TD, you could wrap the roles in spans and then
style them that way:

<td class="roles">
  <span>authenticated user</span>
However, the broader question here is what should be wrapped by Drupal
(and at what level of granularity -- i.e. wrap each role as in this
patch or wrap the container with a class?). Furthermore, does it make
sense to make this themeable or not?

At some point we're going to need to hash out how to make decisions
about this kind of thing, since the BRs that were removed were not
semantic and were purely presentational. I would strongly suggest
erring on the side of semantic defaults that themers can manipulate to
their will; the question though, is, what consistent parts of Drupal
should be themeable without overcomplicating things?


Previous comments:

April 13, 2005 - 19:34 : Morbus Iff

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/_patch_usermodulebr.patch (848 bytes)

On admin/user, the user's roles are separated both by a comma and a [br
/]. The comma is quite enough - the [br /] merely makes the page look
retarded ("fat" rows) on screens that have plenty of width to
accomodate the entire table without the BR. On smaller width'd
browsers, the "fat" rows will return, but naturally wrapped, not forced
with inline HTML. Likewise, [BR] and the comma are both delimiters: only
one is needed (if we use [BR], the newline becomes the visual delimiter;
if we use comma, then we don't need the newlines). The attached patch
removes the [BR].


April 13, 2005 - 19:45 : Dries

Committed to HEAD.


April 13, 2005 - 19:52 : jhriggs

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Removing the break is OK, I suppose,
but removing the comma would not be.  You could not have breaks alone,
because roles can have spaces in them, and they may not break properly.
So, we need to leave the commas in.  Personally, I think it is nicer to
see what we have now:

authenticated user,
web site user

rather than:

authenticated user, administrator, web
site user

We probably shouldn't have the hardcoded break, but maybe they should
be in a div. That way a theme can display them inline if desired.


April 13, 2005 - 19:53 : jhriggs

Cross-posted with Dries there.  Setting back to active, because I don't
think this is the best fix.


April 13, 2005 - 20:20 : jhriggs

Here's a patch that wraps each role in a div:

<div class="role">authenticated user,</div> <div class="role">foo
bar,</div> <div class="role">baz blah</div>

This way they still appear on separate lines unless the theme decides
to make div.class display inline.


April 13, 2005 - 20:20 : jhriggs

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/roles_div.patch (930 bytes)

Ugh...and the patch


April 13, 2005 - 21:58 : factoryjoe

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/roles_span.patch (944 bytes)

I would prefer that these be spans, since they're the least semantically

If you want to have breaks, you can do so in your theme
(span.user-role{display:block;}), otherwise they sit snuggly in a
single line.


April 14, 2005 - 09:55 : Bèr Kessels

+1 from me. 

However, were we not going to make a generlal wrapper function? Should
we then not wait  for that function, instead of seeding HTML all over
the place?

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