[drupal-devel] Talk with Rasmus

Brian Del Vecchio hybernaut at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 14:18:27 UTC 2005

HTML checkboxes suck this way, but no other type of input element does,
to my knowledge.  I haven't reviewed your patch, but my guess is that since
named inputs will always be contained in the form (even when empty), no 
workaround is necessary for non-checkboxes.

On 4/23/05, Karoly Negyesi <karoly at negyesi.net> wrote:
> There is. My fix_checkboxes patch is already in the queue, that could be
> expanded to fix_form which would apply to anything that can be empty:
> multiple selects, radio, single checkbox.
Brian Del Vecchio   |   bdv at hybernaut.com   |   http://hybernaut.com/

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