[development] More profiling code -- Database queries

Mike Gifford mike at openconcept.ca
Fri Dec 16 21:01:33 UTC 2005

Hi folks,

I've done another set of database patches and have them in the CVS here:

Hopefully they are clear enough to apply to the 4.6 code base.

I've got it up and running here now (scroll way down to the bottom  
--  hmm..  actually you have to be logged in...  Not sure why that is  
the case...  Feedback on that would be cool..):

With 53 modules enabled there were 99 sql queries taking 2.136 seconds.

That just seems a bit silly when you're just trying to load the main  
page of a site..  Yikes, if it were busy there could be thousands of  
queries an hour..

Anyways, I've done some work on sorting by the query, by the time it  
takes to execute the query, by the time between queries and finally  
the number of queries coming from each function.

This still needs some work, but it's a reasonable start.

I'm in a bit of a rush for some other projects so my reply might be a  
bit delayed, but I am interested in getting feedback on this  
(especially as it may affect the effectiveness of the launch).

Suggestions formatting this array so that it is more readable would  
be useful.  Also, would really like to group the queries so I know  
which module is responsible for which queries.  I'd like to know  
which are the expensive ones and which are ones that are more  
affordable (such as I did in the memory profiling which comes above it).

Final memory usage for page 21,451 Kb. Number of modules 53

     * civicrm 7044 Kb
     * event 1231 Kb
     * flexinode 793 Kb
     * location 760 Kb
     * user 610 Kb
     * mailhandler 509 Kb
     * node 503 Kb
     * massmailer 436 Kb
     * volunteer 356 Kb
     * pathauto 342 Kb
     * webform 337 Kb
     * rsvp 333 Kb
     * filter 324 Kb
     * aggregator 317 Kb
     * taxonomy 308 Kb
     * forum 270 Kb
     * system 243 Kb
     * tinymce 229 Kb
     * image 224 Kb
     * profile 194 Kb
     * privatemsg 191 Kb
     * lobby 181 Kb
     * theme_editor 177 Kb
     * search 176 Kb
     * feedback 174 Kb
     * foaf 173 Kb
     * phplist 172 Kb
     * block 150 Kb
     * echopetition 146 Kb
     * menu 143 Kb
     * statistics 138 Kb
     * node_import 135 Kb
     * upload 132 Kb
     * poll 116 Kb
     * locale 107 Kb
     * target 89 Kb
     * forms 86 Kb
     * blog 76 Kb
     * path 71 Kb
     * massmailertemplate 70 Kb
     * massmailer_rolelists 58 Kb
     * i18n 58 Kb
     * optin 51 Kb
     * watchdog 48 Kb
     * contact 44 Kb
     * taxonomy_menu 42 Kb
     * throttle 31 Kb
     * notify 21 Kb
     * help 20 Kb
     * page 15 Kb
     * mailalias 12 Kb
     * urlfilter 11 Kb
     * fontsize 9 Kb

Queries for page 102. Time for page 2.934

Sort by Query

warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Array sizes  
are inconsistent in /home/civicspace82/public_html/index.php on line 62.

     * q) SELECT r.rid, r.name FROM role r INNER JOIN users_roles ur  
ON ur.rid = r.rid WHERE ur.uid = 1 time between queries 7.4E-05 time  
for query 0.002412 /home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/ 
session.inc session_start
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'variables' time between queries 0.003297 time for query 0.001858 / 
home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/bootstrap.inc variable_init
     * q) SELECT * FROM url_alias time between queries 0.047179 time  
for query 0.001757 /home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/common.inc  
     * q) SELECT name, filename, throttle, bootstrap FROM system  
WHERE type = 'module' AND status = 1 time between queries 0.000472  
time for query 0.002581 /home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/ 
module.inc module_load_all
     * q) SELECT locale, name FROM locales_meta WHERE enabled = 1  
ORDER BY isdefault DESC, name ASC time between queries 1.459143 time  
for query 0.001796 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/i18n/ 
i18n.module i18n_supported_languages
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid = 'menu: 
1:en' time between queries 0.008991 time for query 0.003842 /home/ 
civicspace82/public_html/includes/menu.inc menu_get_menu
     * q) SELECT * FROM system WHERE type = 'theme' ORDER BY name  
time between queries 0.006924 time for query 0.001991 /home/ 
civicspace82/public_html/includes/theme.inc init_theme
     * q) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM privatemsg WHERE recipient = '1' AND  
newmsg = 1 AND recipient_del = 0 time between queries 0.018845 time  
for query 0.001601 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/privatemsg/ 
privatemsg.module privatemsg_menu
     * q) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM node_access WHERE nid = 0 AND CONCAT 
(realm, gid) IN ('all0') AND grant_view = 1 time between queries  
0.011821 time for query 0.002054 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/node.module node_db_rewrite_sql
     * q) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM node n WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.promote = 1 AND n.status = 1 time between  
queries 0.000749 time for query 0.002306 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/node.module node_page_default
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '47' time between queries 0.004199 time  
for query 0.001674 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 47 time between queries  
0.001402 time for query 0.001467 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT * FROM variable WHERE name like 'event_nodeapi_%'  
time between queries 0.00036 time for query 0.001915 /home/ 
civicspace82/public_html/modules/event/event.module event_is_enabled
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'filter:1:b32d6b0c4516f99e96b9e5dd821b83ba' time between queries  
0.000804 time for query 0.001206 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/filter.module check_output
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 47 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.002972 time for query 0.002078 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT * FROM flexinode_type time between queries 0.002094  
time for query 0.0015 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/ 
flexinode/flexinode.module flexinode_node_types
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '59' time between queries 0.005586 time  
for query 0.001582 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SHOW FIELDS FROM webform time between queries 0.000563 time  
for query 0.001484 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/webform/ 
webform.module webform_load
     * q) SELECT confirmation, email, email_from, email_subject FROM  
webform WHERE nid = 59 time between queries 0.00047 time for query  
0.001075 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke
     * q) SELECT cid, name, type, value, extra, mandatory, weight  
FROM webform_component WHERE nid = 59 ORDER BY weight, name time  
between queries 0.000326 time for query 0.001678 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke
     * q) SELECT rid FROM webform_role_node WHERE nid = 59 time  
between queries 0.000298 time for query 0.001695 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 59 time between queries  
0.001235 time for query 0.001011 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT f.name, f.type, v.value FROM profile_fields f INNER  
JOIN profile_values v ON f.fid = v.fid WHERE uid = 1 time between  
queries 0.000847 time for query 0.002063 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/webform/webform.module webform_view
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'filter:3:50a42961df5a36d07d849c4c715425ae' time between queries  
0.00043 time for query 0.001159 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/filter.module check_output
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 59 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.002882 time for query 0.000998 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '58' time between queries 0.005514 time  
for query 0.001494 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SELECT * FROM flexinode_type WHERE ctype_id = 1 time  
between queries 0.000663 time for query 0.001038 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/flexinode/flexinode.module flexinode_load
     * q) SELECT * FROM flexinode_field WHERE ctype_id = 1 ORDER BY  
weight ASC, label ASC time between queries 0.000328 time for query  
0.001718 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/flexinode/ 
flexinode.module flexinode_load
     * q) SELECT flexinode_1.textual_data AS flexinode_1,  
flexinode_1.numeric_data AS flexinode_1_format FROM node n LEFT JOIN  
flexinode_data flexinode_1 ON n.nid = flexinode_1.nid AND  
flexinode_1.field_id = 1 WHERE n.nid = 58 time between queries  
0.000598 time for query 0.001576 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/node.module node_invoke
     * q) SELECT event_start, event_end, timezone FROM event WHERE  
nid = 58 time between queries 0.000718 time for query 0.001748 /home/ 
civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT * FROM location WHERE type = 'node' AND oid = 58  
time between queries 0.007896 time for query 0.007418 /home/ 
civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 58 time between queries  
0.001099 time for query 0.000908 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT wanted, uid, message_approve, message_deny,  
message_wait, message_reminder, message_follow_up FROM volunteer  
WHERE nid = 58 time between queries 0.000515 time for query 0.001776 / 
home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'filter:3:ae2b1fca515949e5d54fb22b8ed95575' time between queries  
0.001043 time for query 0.001375 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/filter.module check_output
     * q) SELECT u.uid FROM rsvp r LEFT JOIN rsvp_invite u ON r.rid =  
u.rid WHERE r.nid = 58 AND u.uid = 1 time between queries 0.010988  
time for query 0.002764 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/rsvp/ 
rsvp.module rsvp_link
     * q) SELECT uid FROM rsvp WHERE nid = 58 AND uid = 1 time  
between queries 0.000351 time for query 0.000931 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/rsvp/rsvp.module rsvp_link
     * q) SELECT count(cid) AS approved FROM volunteer_contact_event  
WHERE nid = 58 AND stage > 2 time between queries 0.001141 time for  
query 0.001805 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/volunteer/ 
volunteer.module volunteer_link
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 58 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.001317 time for query 0.003931 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '57' time between queries 0.186883 time  
for query 0.001615 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SELECT flexinode_1.textual_data AS flexinode_1,  
flexinode_1.numeric_data AS flexinode_1_format FROM node n LEFT JOIN  
flexinode_data flexinode_1 ON n.nid = flexinode_1.nid AND  
flexinode_1.field_id = 1 WHERE n.nid = 57 time between queries  
0.000768 time for query 0.001124 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/node.module node_invoke
     * q) SELECT event_start, event_end, timezone FROM event WHERE  
nid = 57 time between queries 0.000676 time for query 0.001062 /home/ 
civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT * FROM location WHERE type = 'node' AND oid = 57  
time between queries 0.002493 time for query 0.001333 /home/ 
civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 57 time between queries  
0.001122 time for query 0.000969 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT wanted, uid, message_approve, message_deny,  
message_wait, message_reminder, message_follow_up FROM volunteer  
WHERE nid = 57 time between queries 0.000541 time for query 0.001128 / 
home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'filter:3:df702b7c03b5fbe12a5dc187de5a8210' time between queries  
0.001037 time for query 0.001197 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/filter.module check_output
     * q) SELECT u.uid FROM rsvp r LEFT JOIN rsvp_invite u ON r.rid =  
u.rid WHERE r.nid = 57 AND u.uid = 1 time between queries 0.006801  
time for query 0.001135 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/rsvp/ 
rsvp.module rsvp_link
     * q) SELECT uid FROM rsvp WHERE nid = 57 AND uid = 1 time  
between queries 0.000352 time for query 0.000994 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/rsvp/rsvp.module rsvp_link
     * q) SELECT count(cid) AS approved FROM volunteer_contact_event  
WHERE nid = 57 AND stage > 2 time between queries 0.001545 time for  
query 0.000957 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/volunteer/ 
volunteer.module volunteer_link
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 57 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.001262 time for query 0.001047 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '56' time between queries 0.203868 time  
for query 0.001698 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SELECT * FROM echopetition WHERE nid='56' time between  
queries 0.000521 time for query 0.003024 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 56 time between queries  
0.003423 time for query 0.001026 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT * FROM echopetition_signup p WHERE petition=56 ORDER  
BY timestamp DESC time between queries 0.000689 time for query  
0.001904 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke
     * q) SELECT s.name FROM tinymce_settings s INNER JOIN  
tinymce_role r ON r.name = s.name WHERE r.rid IN (2,3) time between  
queries 0.001741 time for query 0.043682 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/includes/module.inc call_user_func_array
     * q) SELECT * FROM role ORDER BY name time between queries  
0.00027 time for query 0.011205 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/tinymce/tinymce.module tinymce_profile_load
     * q) SELECT * FROM tinymce_settings time between queries  
0.000322 time for query 0.00091 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/tinymce/tinymce.module tinymce_textarea
     * q) SELECT rid FROM tinymce_role WHERE name = 'new' time  
between queries 0.000374 time for query 0.000968 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/tinymce/tinymce.module tinymce_textarea
     * q) SELECT filename FROM system WHERE name = 'cathrine' AND  
type = 'theme' time between queries 0.001798 time for query 0.001534 / 
home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/common.inc drupal_get_path
     * q) select count(petitionSignupID) from echopetition_signup  
where petition=56 time between queries 0.001577 time for query  
0.007906 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module node_invoke
     * q) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM echopetition_signup p WHERE  
petition=56 time between queries 0.000505 time for query 0.001103 / 
echopetition.module echopetition_signees
     * q) SELECT echopetition_fields.*, zipcodes.city as city,  
zipcodes.state as state FROM echopetition_fields LEFT JOIN zipcodes  
ON (echopetition_fields.fieldValue = zipcodes.zip AND  
echopetition_fields.fieldName='zipcode') WHERE petitionSignupID=1  
time between queries 0.001562 time for query 0.002601 /home/ 
     * q) INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, severity, link,  
location, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (1, 'php', 'gethostbyaddr()  
[function.gethostbyaddr]: Address is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address  
in /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/echopetition/ 
echopetition.module on line 235.', 2, '', '/', '',  
1134766823) time between queries 0.001224 time for query 0.00835 / 
home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/common.inc error_handler
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 56 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.003675 time for query 0.001152 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '54' time between queries 0.010415 time  
for query 0.001653 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 54 time between queries  
0.001478 time for query 0.000958 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'filter:3:8fa836ee6744d0706c2e8a4138fd5b21' time between queries  
0.000786 time for query 0.001184 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/filter.module check_output
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 54 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.00871 time for query 0.001133 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '53' time between queries 0.026748 time  
for query 0.0016 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 53 time between queries  
0.001442 time for query 0.00082 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'filter:1:930f6b97f0c6c47dcdf8c058df3cc6f8' time between queries  
0.003021 time for query 0.001139 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/filter.module check_output
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 53 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.002521 time for query 0.001089 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '52' time between queries 0.005496 time  
for query 0.001404 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SELECT * FROM eaction_lobby WHERE nid = 52 time between  
queries 0.014626 time for query 0.001715 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/lobby/lobby.module lobby_load
     * q) SELECT ttid FROM eaction_lobby2targettype WHERE nid=52 time  
between queries 0.000346 time for query 0.004285 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/lobby/Data/Lobby.php Data_Lobby load
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM eaction_lobby2target lt INNER JOIN  
be_contact t ON t.contactID = lt.tid WHERE lt.nid=52 AND lt.ttid=0  
ORDER BY t.lastName, t.firstName time between queries 0.000447 time  
for query 0.002498 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/lobby/Data/ 
Lobby.php Data_Lobby load
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 52 time between queries  
0.001468 time for query 0.000823 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'filter:3:8d161b64cd8a3a4dfe1ccd08db272650' time between queries  
0.000864 time for query 0.001284 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/filter.module check_output
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 52 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.003149 time for query 0.001153 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '51' time between queries 0.018827 time  
for query 0.001569 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SELECT * FROM eaction_lobby WHERE nid = 51 time between  
queries 0.001722 time for query 0.00105 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/lobby/lobby.module lobby_load
     * q) SELECT ttid FROM eaction_lobby2targettype WHERE nid=51 time  
between queries 0.000341 time for query 0.000834 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/lobby/Data/Lobby.php Data_Lobby load
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM eaction_lobby2target lt INNER JOIN  
be_contact t ON t.contactID = lt.tid WHERE lt.nid=51 AND lt.ttid=0  
ORDER BY t.lastName, t.firstName time between queries 0.00043 time  
for query 0.003905 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/lobby/Data/ 
Lobby.php Data_Lobby load
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 51 time between queries  
0.001363 time for query 0.000974 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'filter:1:c6e15f12e193fcbbabf4bf1c8c2bdb56' time between queries  
0.000922 time for query 0.001165 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/filter.module check_output
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 51 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.003183 time for query 0.001125 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT n.*, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM node n  
INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE (n.language ='en' or  
n.language = '') AND n.nid = '50' time between queries 0.016451 time  
for query 0.001523 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/node.module  
     * q) SELECT * FROM eaction_lobby WHERE nid = 50 time between  
queries 0.003707 time for query 0.001011 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/lobby/lobby.module lobby_load
     * q) SELECT ttid FROM eaction_lobby2targettype WHERE nid=50 time  
between queries 0.000415 time for query 0.000722 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/lobby/Data/Lobby.php Data_Lobby load
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM eaction_lobby2target lt INNER JOIN  
be_contact t ON t.contactID = lt.tid WHERE lt.nid=50 AND lt.ttid=0  
ORDER BY t.lastName, t.firstName time between queries 0.000399 time  
for query 0.001271 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/lobby/Data/ 
Lobby.php Data_Lobby load
     * q) SELECT * FROM files WHERE nid = 50 time between queries  
0.00151 time for query 0.000946 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/upload.module upload_nodeapi
     * q) SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid =  
'filter:1:6d59713e68d5817a37f0ec437fb2beed' time between queries  
0.000903 time for query 0.001139 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/filter.module check_output
     * q) SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid =  
t.tid AND r.nid = 50 ORDER BY weight, name time between queries  
0.002629 time for query 0.001088 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/taxonomy.module taxonomy_link
     * q) SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE status = 1 AND region IN (0)  
ORDER BY weight, module time between queries 0.009747 time for query  
0.002222 /home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/module.inc  
     * q) SELECT DISTINCT(n.nid), e.event_start FROM event e INNER  
JOIN node n ON n.nid = e.nid WHERE (n.language ='en' or n.language =  
'') AND n.status = 1 AND ((e.event_start > 1133395200 AND  
e.event_start < 1136073599) OR (e.event_end > 1133395200 AND  
e.event_end < 1136073599) OR (e.event_start < 1133395200 AND  
e.event_end > 1136073599)) ORDER BY event_start time between queries  
0.040751 time for query 0.002103 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/event/event.module event_render_day_single
     * q) SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE status = 1 AND region IN (1)  
ORDER BY weight, module time between queries 0.046837 time for query  
0.001267 /home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/module.inc  
     * q) SELECT COUNT(sid) AS count FROM sessions WHERE timestamp >=  
1134764124 AND uid = 0 time between queries 0.001107 time for query  
0.001587 /home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/module.inc  
     * q) SELECT DISTINCT(uid), MAX(timestamp) AS max_timestamp FROM  
sessions WHERE timestamp >= 1134764124 AND uid != 0 GROUP BY uid  
ORDER BY max_timestamp DESC time between queries 0.000474 time for  
query 0.003134 /home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/module.inc  
     * q) SELECT locale, name, formula, enabled FROM locales_meta  
ORDER BY isdefault DESC, enabled DESC, name ASC time between queries  
0.000482 time for query 0.00782 /home/civicspace82/public_html/ 
modules/locale.module locale_get_plural
     * q) SELECT r.rid, r.name FROM role r INNER JOIN users_roles ur  
ON ur.rid = r.rid WHERE ur.uid = 1 time between queries 0.002503 time  
for query 0.001398 /home/civicspace82/public_html/modules/user.module  
     * q) SELECT * FROM location WHERE type = 'user' AND oid = 1 time  
between queries 0.000929 time for query 0.001389 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/user.module user_module_invoke
     * q) SELECT f.name, f.type, v.value FROM profile_fields f INNER  
JOIN profile_values v ON f.fid = v.fid WHERE uid = 1 time between  
queries 0.006245 time for query 0.001019 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/modules/profile.module profile_user
     * q) INSERT INTO accesslog (title, path, url, hostname, uid,  
timestamp) values('', 'node', '', '', 1, 1134766824) time  
between queries 0.364266 time for query 0.00218 /home/civicspace82/ 
public_html/includes/module.inc call_user_func_array
     * q) INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, severity, link,  
location, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (1, 'php', 'array_multisort()  
[function.array-multisort]: Array sizes are inconsistent in /home/ 
civicspace82/public_html/index.php on line 62.', 2, '', '/',  
'', 1134766824) time between queries 0.002466 time for  
query 0.001153 /home/civicspace82/public_html/includes/common.inc  

Mike Gifford, OpenConcept Consulting
Free Software for Social Change -> http://openconcept.ca
http://del.icio.us/mgifford/drupal http://flickr.com/photos/mgifford/ 
Latest Drupal Launch -> CLC -> http://action.clc-ctc.ca/

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