[drupal-devel] Working around node_access in node/add

Mark mark at nullcraft.org
Fri Feb 11 02:11:48 UTC 2005

Hello drupal-devel,

Lately, I've been working on the Node Relativity module, and I've come 
up against some issues that I'm having trouble overcoming.  The main 
thing this module does is allow parent/child relationships to exist 
between nodes.  One of the features of this module is the ability to 
require that a given type of node not exist unless it is a child of an 
appropriate parent node.  This works all well and good from within the 
module (except for the occasional bug), but when a user goes to the 
"create content" page (node/add), they see listed before them every type 
of node that they have permission to create.  I want to limit this view 
and the menu associated with it. 

This brings me to my question: How do I override what is displayed on 
the node/add page or override the node_access permissions in general for 
node types not defined by my module?  I know that node.module checks 
node_list() and calls node_access('create',$node) on each of the node 
types to see if the current user has rights to create it.  I suspect 
that there's some way that I haven't seen yet that the node is mapped 
back to the module that defines it.  I would like to restrict this view 
even further such that users can create these nodes, but only under the 
appropriate circumstances.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Mark Howell

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