[drupal-devel] Working around node_access in node/add

Mark mark at nullcraft.org
Fri Feb 11 20:32:01 UTC 2005

The underlying table structure of the book module is similar to this 
one's.  Admittedly, I've never used the book module on a live site, but 
I read over the code and played with its functionality.  The main thing 
that the book module didn't offer that I need is a way of restricting 
what types of nodes can be related to each other as well as the 
ordinality of the relationships.  I would need book chapters with pages 
that go around in circles, for instance.  I also need a way of 
traversing the graph and searching for indexed content while traversing.

It didn't seem like any of this was the goal of the book module, or any 
other module that I had seen at the time I started working on this 
(about 2 weeks ago).  I figured the module would be quite simple, but 
this turned out to be a bit more of a challenge than I was expecting.


Andre Molnar wrote:

> Mark, this may seem like a very silly question, but what will your 
> module do that book.module doesn't do - or what doesn't book.module do 
> that you need?
> andre

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