[drupal-devel] Re: Remove admin.module

Bèr Kessels berdrupal at tiscali.be
Wed Jan 26 13:02:48 UTC 2005

Op woensdag 26 januari 2005 06:13, schreef Eric Scouten:
> Carl McDade wrote:
> > But has anyone noticed that There is a growing problem with the user not
> > being able to find functionality within the present UI because most of
> > it is hidden within collapsed list.
> I agree that this is an issue. In most of the sites I'm building these
> days, I wind up building two menu structures: one for the site map and
> another for user actions.
> -Eric

I am working on this, but up till now received no comments. I would like 
people to review (and report back!!) my efforts till now. 

1) documentation is on http://dev.bryght.com/t/wiki/DrupalRestructure
2) working example is at http://consistent.drupaldevs.org/
   Please log in there with your drupal ID, and give me a shout (IM or mail)
   ***NOTE!! the settings and changes wont make any sense for anonymous 
   **nor** for registered users. Only adminsitrators see how it should look!**
   So again: Do not start yelling: "it looks like crap" when you do not have
   admin rights there!!

 [ Bèr Kessels | Drupal services www.webschuur.com ]

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