[drupal-devel] [feature] Form groups should be collapsible

moshe weitzman drupal-devel at drupal.org
Thu Jan 27 12:40:15 UTC 2005

 Project:      Drupal
 Version:      4.5.2
 Component:    base system
 Category:     feature requests
 Priority:     normal
 Assigned to:  Anonymous
 Reported by:  tangent
 Updated by:   moshe weitzman
 Status:       patch

Re: collapsing sections with required fields.

Keep in mind that a lot of fields are 'required' but they are hardly
ever changed. `If you are an admin, you see lots of fields on the
node/edit page such as Author which cannot be blank. This field is
always contains a value already. You might want this admin section
collapsed by default. Another example might be a taxonomy selector
called 'Departments'. Perhaps the user always posts to the 'Marketing'
department. Lets say that we re-instate an old feature whereby the
system remembers your last chosen taxonoy terms. So this user might
want to always collapse the taxonomy section and just accept default
values. I hope that is possible even if the section contains a required
field. The concern is not with required fields, but with *empty*
required fields.

Anyway, please consider this wrinkle in your design.

moshe weitzman

Previous comments:

January 25, 2005 - 22:42 : tangent

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/collapsible_formgroups.patch (2.8 KB)

With all the talk of form reorganization and with the latest attempts at
coding a solution, I thought I'd step up and contribute my solution. It
is a quick development that I just threw together and it will probably
need to be expanded to support more options, but it works and it has
zero impact on existing code other than a small change to
form_groups(). I've added an optional boolean parameter called
"collapsed" so that modules can specify if the group should be
initially collapsed or not.

Known issues:
1. Styling the collapsed forms to look the same or even just good in
every browser may prove troublesome. It looks fine in Mozilla/Firefox
but the legend jumps around a bit in IE. I'm not terribly concerned
about that at the moment though.

2. Required fields are not handled so a collapsed fieldset *could*
contain a required field. This will need to be dealt with before this
is a real solution, in my opinion. The difficulty lies in the fact that
required fields are not labeled (in the markup) as such, other than by
adding an extran span. Maybe we should think about adding a "required"
attribute to required fields.

I'm attaching the patch (against HEAD) now and will attach the
javascript file shortly as well as a test page so you can see the

As an aside, I'm setting this issue to patch status since that seems to
be the process used around here. However, I think that generally an
issue should ONLY be set to patch status if the attached file is worthy
of being commited. Please correct me if I have misunderstood.


January 25, 2005 - 22:44 : tangent

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/drupal.js (1.68 KB)

Here's the (new) drupal.js file. Note that don't necessarily think the
functions included in it need to be loaded for every request. If more
javascript is added, it should probably be broken up into separate
pieces that can be sourced as need.


January 25, 2005 - 22:46 : tangent

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/fieldset_test.html (3.41 KB)

Here's a stand-alone test page so you can see what the functionality
would be like. Please report any issues with specific browsers by
attaching your user-agent string or a description of your browser and
the issue. Screenshots are welcome.


January 26, 2005 - 03:22 : Junyor

FYI, window.addEventListener is not supported in Opera.


January 26, 2005 - 03:27 : chx

A cross browser solution to add event listeners can be found at

That one works with Opera.


January 26, 2005 - 03:45 : tangent

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/fieldset_test2.html (3.84 KB)

Here's an update of the test page. You should see the toggle image now
and I've added extra event handling for all those substandard browsers

I also corrected an issue where, if javascript is disabled, the group
could be collapsed and not expandable.


January 26, 2005 - 03:48 : tangent

For what it's worth, if this functionality doesn't work in some browsers
that's ok. As long as the code fails silently everything else will
degrade nicely and they'll simply see all the forms.


January 26, 2005 - 04:08 : tangent

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/fieldset_test3.html (4.06 KB)

This one might work better. I missed some stuff if the last one. I don't
have Opera or Konqueror to test with though.

I'm working a method to deal with required fields next.


January 26, 2005 - 04:37 : Dries

Looks good (though I haven't looked at the code).

The node-edit/submit form would be an obvious candidate for this kind
of stuff.



January 26, 2005 - 07:34 : tangent

Should fieldset collapsing be optional? This implies that form_group()
would need 2 new arguments: $collapsible and $collapsed.

Someone has already voiced a desire for a configuration to
enable/disable collapsible groups but I think that we should simply let
the module decide. In my opinion it would be like offering a config
preference for allowing expanding menus or not.


January 26, 2005 - 08:35 : Bèr Kessels

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/drupal_form_toolbox.png (19.23 KB)

Great work!
Some initial thoughts from me:
We need logic to uncollapse forms that have the required flag set.
(required forms should be visible by default)
We need logic to uncollapse forms that have errors.
The form group should, in this case get an extra class to show that,
when collapsed, it contains an error, or a required field. 
We must think of a method to avoid colapses-in-collapses. I.E: you
collapse form_group, which is great, but what if (i think bigger) we
have three areas on a page, that can be collapsed: in that case, the
form_groupos inside such an area should not be collapsible.
We could decide to collapse the other forms, when opening one. This is
somethimes called "cards", sometimes they are called "toolboxes' see
attachement for an example.


January 26, 2005 - 09:32 : mathias

One usability issue surrounding collapsible elements is controlling how
they would operate when present on the node editing form (which would
be a great location for this functionality). For example what happens
when someone clicks the preview button? I would want forms fields that
contain data to stay expanded and not re-collapse.


January 26, 2005 - 13:32 : tangent

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/fieldset_test4.html (4.07 KB)

Here's an updated test page that handles required fields the easy way.
It simply borders the collapsed field with red. I think we should try
this one out and discuss further before deciding on how best to deal
with this issue. I am not immediately convinced that one solution is
better than another.

I've changed the addEvent function again to reduce it as far as
possible. I am not convinced that the other version added support for
any other browsers than this version so please correct me if I am


January 27, 2005 - 03:54 : tangent

After giving further thought to some of your suggestions I have revised
my opinions.

1. A fieldset containing an input with a validation error MUST be
expanded. It would be a major usability issue not to. The only question
is whether to allow the fieldset to be collapsible or force it to not be
collapsible. I might imagine a scenario where the user, once she has
updated the input, would want to collapse the fieldset to look at other
areas of the form but perhaps this scenario is unlikely or undesirable.

2. A fieldset containing an input that is required MUST be expanded by
default. While it would be possible to style the collapsed fieldset to
convey that it contains a required field, it would require the user to
expand the fieldset before being able to input the required form data
and it could prove too confusing to users since it would be an unusual
UI method. Again, the only question is whether to allow a fieldset
containing a required input to be collapsible. I find the scenario
where a user would want to collapse a completed fieldset more likely in
this instance so I would lean toward allowing it.

3. Since this change uses client-side scripting which may cause
problems for or be negatively viewed by Drupal admins it may be
desirable to provide a configuration setting to disable (or enable as
the case may be) the functionality. Because the functionality is
contained solely in the client-side code implementing this option
should be as simple as checking for the preference and adding the
"script" tag to the output or not and should not require adding any
other checks elsewhere. Where would this configuration setting be
placed though? Adding this option to the main settings screen seems
like the logical place, for lack of a more suitable area.

4. The preview mode would, ideally, preserve the form state. If the
user collapses a fieldset which is not collapsed by default then it
should remain collapsed in the preview mode. While I haven't examined
the preview method to see if it would support "form state" without
modification I can't imagine that it does. I also imagine that adding
this support could be more trouble than it is worth. How necessary is
this feature?

I am not going to concern myself with other collapsible form areas
(e.g., tab groups) at this time. If this happens at some future time my
implementation should be easy to extend to live within the new
environment but it seems unnecessary to worry about it until it

View: http://drupal.org/node/16204
Edit: http://drupal.org/project/comments/add/16204

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