[drupal-devel] Rewriting use of forms in Drupal

Moshe Weitzman weitzman at tejasa.com
Fri Jun 3 10:54:48 UTC 2005

> a) Easier value checking.
> In _validate we would then build the form a second time to check that
> all the fields still have the type and value they are supposed to have.
> foreach ($form_elements as $name => $value) {
>   switch($value['type']) {
>     case 'textfield':
>       if (!is_string($edit['value'])) {
>         form_set_error(...);
>       }
>       if (is_empty($edit['value']) && $value['required']) {
>         form_set_error(...);
>       }
>       break;
>     case 'textarea':
>      ....
>   }
> }

Who does the validation? Core, or the module? How would that work for a 
form outside of the node forms? ... The direction sounds good so far.

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