[drupal-devel] creating drupal-doc teams

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Mon May 23 18:30:22 UTC 2005

Andre wrote:

 > Sure. (sorry for the late response - its virtually impossible to keep on
 > top of all the discussions on devel and docs - even just to read them
 > let alone getting around to respond).
 > Would anyone be interested in doing a brainstorming session on a full
 > list of features and/or uses of drupal?  From there I would like to boil
 > that list down to some real benefits of the product and come up with
 > ways to market the product based on those.
 > I will be doing my own brainstorming and share the results somewhere
 > (perhaps the wiki or a forum on drupal).
 > If anyone is interested - e-mail me at: andre at andremolnar dot com
 > (not my mcsparkerton address as the message might get lost in the
 > dev/docs list postings).

Great. I'll add you to the marketing group list.

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