[development] Module type

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Fri Nov 11 14:26:17 UTC 2005

This is why node_aggregator was renamed naggregator.....

Anyway, in HEAD we enlarged that.


Op vrijdag 11 november 2005 15:20, schreef Sergio:
> Ok...
> I was in the middle of my e-mail writing something about node types
> multi-type node, until I hit a spot and went to the database and try to
> figure out what I was doing wrong...
> I am using Drupal 4.6.3 (and developing for it yet)... My surprise came
> when I was able to create some kind of node but when I was editing, I could
> only edit the title...
> So...
> Shouldn't it be somewhere in the docs that the node types can only have a
> maximum of 16 characters?
> Mine had 17...
> Too bad... But that's fixed now...
> Just tought I could give a heads-up to other developers.
> Regards

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