[development] Encouraging Collaboration

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sat Nov 19 10:24:52 UTC 2005

Op zaterdag 19 november 2005 09:04, schreef Dries Buytaert:
> (It is also why I fundamentally disagree with the stuff Ber wrote  
> about making a choice and giving up one aspect.)

 I think we don't disagree. A diverse community is very good. But IMHO that 
communtiy does not have to livz all on one place. 

Linux's distro system works great: you have a huge and diverse community. When 
I got kernelfreezeson my new/odd AMD, I reported that to mandrake, they told 
me it went all the way up to the kernel guys (woo). So, while I have to only 
talk to folks trained for helpdesks (mandrake payed helpdesk), I am still 
part of the community.

I strongly beleive in Drupal itself as a 'nothing in particular' (not as much 
as RoR, but maybe in the direction of typo3-but-then-easy). Around that, a 
flock of distro's that are very particular can be maintained. 

Too often do I hear the comlpain that 'Movable Type is much better then 
Drupal'. This is simply untrue. Not because MT is better/worse, but because 
Drupal cannot be compared to a focused CMS.

Now, if we would have Dan Developer maintaining a (maintained) drupalBLOG 
solely for blogging, al these endless discussions about 
taxonomy/themes/options/usability being too hard to grok would stop. But also 
DrupalBLOG could be compared to MT, and would do very, very well.

ATM the model is Joe User <-> Drupal
While, the model could be: Joe User <-> Dan Developer <-> Drupal.

We don't loose feedback. Instead: we then know that when Dan Developer speaks, 
or comes with a patch, he does so for hundreds (of thousands) of users. While 
in our current situation, there is a lot of buzz. And Joe Users voice (or 
issue or patch) is lost in that noise. 

I for one, know, that when Boris/James/Adrian/Roland say that we really need 
[tm] clean URLS in core, that that weights far more, then when I say "i want 
theme_foo to get more info". It is because Bright talks to real users on a 
daily base. And not only to these few users that manage to fight themselves 
into the forums.
How many of you do not think 'RTFM' when someone asks "how do I delete a 
user". That Question itself indeed is a RTFM Q. But it is also valuable, 
because if fiften people a week answer that, we have found another usaility 

| Bèr Kessels | webschuur.com | website development |
| Jabber & Google Talk: ber at jabber.webschuur.com
| http://bler.webschuur.com | http://www.webschuur.com |
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