[development] that admin theme (from money/ work point of view), call for arms?

Adrian Rossouw adrian at bryght.com
Mon Nov 21 11:10:20 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

On 21 Nov 2005, at 11:42 AM, Bèr Kessels wrote:
> So, Do i understand it correctly? Should I wait with the sections +  
> admin
> theme for this core solution?
It means that I am planning functionality for core which will  
supercede the sections module,
and probably make it obsolete (at least in it's current state).

> What timeframe are we speaking? Section + admin thee is almost  
> ready. Whaen do
> we expect this core thing to land?
This is meant for 4.8.

We could build the interface for selecting sections in contrib right  
now, and then move it to core

The interface I have in mind is a generic filter ruleset interface (a  
real one, not that horrible admin nodes filter), almost
exactly like the one you see in just about every email client.

I want to make the block configuration be attached to the  
'section' (or 'layout' in my model).

So when you set up a 'section', it controls the block layout, the  
theme selection, and any other
settings related to display (the theme settings).

We would ship with 2 layouts by default. The default layout  
(configurable via admin/display)
and the admin layout (configurable via admin/layouts/<layout id>, if  
you have the layout module

Not that many people need to be able to configure anything other than  
the default layout,
and making the admin layout customisable, but not in core, and not  
requiring any code/ recipes
is a better match for users.

- --
Adrian Rossouw
Drupal developer and Bryght Guy
http://drupal.org | http://bryght.com

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