[drupal-devel] Re: Request for input on Quiz module data

David Norman deekayen at deekayen.net
Thu Oct 13 00:27:24 UTC 2005

Disclaimer: I'm not totally familiar with the quiz module, but I did
read the whole RFC.

Regarding the new schema quiz table:
1. "number_of_questions" can be queried and therefore should not be
stored IMO if you're going for full normalization.
2. I think "takes" could be have a more descriptive name and should be
bigger than tinyint.

drupal-devel-request at drupal.org wrote:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 19:36:25 -0400
> From: Angie Byron <drupal-devel at webchick.net>
> Subject: [drupal-devel] Request for input on Quiz module data
> 	structure	[long]
> To: drupal-devel at drupal.org
> Message-ID: <434D9DF9.4090309 at webchick.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

> Hi, folks. Hope that this is the right place for this. Apologies in advance for 
> the length, but I wanted to make sure everyone's on the same page before asking 
> for feedback.

> As most know, I worked over the summer on the Quiz module. Thanks to a generous 
> injection of funding from Ejovi Nuwere at SecurityLab.net, I've been able to 
> both complete most of the work that was not done by the other student assigned 
> to this project during SoC, and am also able to now focus on adding additional 
> features to the module.

> The quiz module was developed around Robert Douglass's specification (which I've 
> temporarily mirrored here: http://drupaldev.snarkles.net/node/2). In a nutshell, 
> this means rather than creating a simple module that could do multiple choice 
> questions, instead creating a quiz *framework* which could potentially support 
> almost limitless question types, from traditional multiple choice/fill in the 
> blank, to really innovative ideas such as "reading" a question aloud to gage 
> reading comprehension and so on.

> The current schema can be viewed here: 
> http://cvs.drupal.org/viewcvs/drupal/contributions/modules/quiz/quiz.mysql?rev=1.10
> For the more visually inclined, I've uploaded an E-R Diagram here: 
> http://www.webchick.net/soc/quiz.module/quiz-schema-old.png

> This is based off the original proposal, where serialized arrays (/me ducks in 
> advance) are used to store answer, feedback and user response data.

> NOTE: Skip to "THE PROBLEM" if you don't care about how this stuff is stored 
> currently :P

> A typical result array (stored in quiz_results.results) might look like:

> Array
> (
>     [10] => Array
>         (
>             [input] => Array
>                 (
>                     [0] => 0
>                     [1] => 2
>                     [2] => 3
>                 )

>             [feedback] => Array
>                 (
>                     [0] => Correct!
>                     [1] => Correct!
>                     [2] => Correct!
>                 )

>             [score] => 1
>         )

>     [6] => Array
>         (
>             [input] => Array
>                 (
>                     [0] => 2
>                 )

>             [feedback] => Array
>                 (
>                     [0] => Nope, fooled you!
>                 )

>             [score] => 0
>         )
>    ...
> )

> The array keys (10 and 6) are question node IDs... in other words, this is how 
> the user responded to both question 10 and question 6. Over the course of the 
> quiz, this array keeps growing, with one array of results per question.

> "input" is an array of the answer(s) that the user selected on that question. 
> The first question was a multiple choice question, so the user plugged in three 
> answers (answers 1, 3, and 4 -- remember that arrays start at 0 index). The 
> second question was only a single-choice question, and the user selected answer 3.

> "feedback" is an array of the feedback to the answer(s) the user selected for 
> input. As you can see, the user answered correctly on all three answers on the 
> first question, but did not answer correctly on the second question.

> Finally, "score" is either a 1 (indicating the answer was correct) or a 0 
> (indicating the answer was not correct).


> The question was raised to me:

> "If there's a million questions, and a
> million students, and we want to find out for a given
> question, how many student got it right how do we do that?"

> Right now, the answer is something along the lines of this:

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> function get_question_results($quiz_nid, $question_nid) {
>   // Array to store question results
>   $question_results = array(
>     'right' => 0,
>     'wrong' => 0
>   );

>   // Grab a list of the results array for each quiz attempt
>   $quiz_results = array();
>   $results = db_query("SELECT r.results FROM {quiz_results} r WHERE r.quiz_nid = 
> %d", $quiz_nid);
>   while ($result = db_fetch_object($results)) {
>     $quiz_results[] = unserialize($result->results);
>   }

>   // Now, loop through each result and look for the given question
>   foreach ($quiz_results as $key => $value) {
>     if ($value[$question_nid]) {

>       // If question is found check if it was answered correctly or not
>       if ($value[$question_nid]['score'] == 1) {
>         $question_results['right']++;
>       } else {
>         $question_results['wrong']++;
>       }
>     }
>   }
>   return $question_results;
> }

> // Call the function and output results
> $results = get_question_results(12, 10);
> echo $results['right'] ." students answered this question right, " . 
> $results['wrong'] ." answered it wrong.";
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> This is quite processor and RAM-intensive, since it has to load ALL of the 
> results for each attempt on a given quiz first, then parse through those to find 
> individual question attempts, and then finally retrieve the answers from each 
> and evaluate whether or not they were correct.

> And this same basic logic has to be completed for each potential query someone 
> might want to throw at it.. Such as,  "What is the average score of this user 
> among all exams?"

> In short, it doesn't look like this solution is going to be very scalable in the 
> long-term for the kind of ad-hoc querying that educators are likely going to 
> really want to be able to do.

> I've created an alternate, normalized data schema and wanted to get your 
> feedback on it, if you get a chance.
> http://webchick.net/soc/quiz.module/newschema.sql
> E-R Diagram: http://webchick.net/soc/quiz.module/quiz-schema-new.sql

> Changes:
> - quiz/quiz_questions tables stay the same

> - multichoice turns into 'quiz_question' containing only a primary key and a 
> "properties" field to take the place of "multiple_answers." I envision this 
> field as being more flexible than multiple_answers, as it could potentially 
> store a plethora of options for very diverse array question types, perhaps in 
> the form of key/value pairs or something (multichoice=1;email_results=1; etc.)

> - answers are now broken out into a 'quiz_question_answer' table, which links 
> back to quiz_question with separate fields for answer, feedback, and points. The 
> answer field itself could store a wide variety of options, such as "Answer" for 
> a multichoice question, "St. Paul|Saint Paul" for a fill-in-the-blank question, 
> and so on. Since answer display is handled in each question type module in the 
> _form and _render_question hooks, we can still have the advantage of storing 
> data independently from the actual quiz module. Feedback, too, can be stored in 
> whatever way makes sense for the answer, and points can indicate whether a 
> question is incorrect (0 points) or can also be used for 'weighting' questions 
> (answer 1 is 20 points, answer 2 is 50 points, etc.)

> - Results are now stored in two different tables: quiz_result for the overall 
> properties (start time/end time, etc. -- essentially the same as the current 
> table) and quiz_question_results which provides the textual representation of 
> what that user put for his/her answer on each question attempt. This could be 
> stored in a similar manner to the answers table... for multiple answer 
> questions, it could be 23,63,3 to indicate the answer ids selected, for 
> fill-in-the-blank it could have 'Minneapolis', etc. Each question type's 
> _evaluate_question hook would take the data from the answer field and check it 
> against the given question's answers.

> - Fields representing times and dates are switched to DATETIME instead of 
> INTEGER (for UNIX timestamp) in order to help with date range calculation

> And if you made it through that, a hearty congratulations. :P

> Any thoughts?

> ------------------------------

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