[drupal-devel] [feature] Extend access control options

timcn drupal-devel at drupal.org
Thu Sep 8 18:58:15 UTC 2005

Issue status update for 
Post a follow up: 

 Project:      Drupal
 Version:      4.6.3
 Component:    node.module
 Category:     feature requests
 Priority:     normal
 Assigned to:  timcn
 Reported by:  timcn
 Updated by:   timcn
 Status:       patch (code needs review)

Yes, some changes to the revision permission are necessary. I just saw
that it has been reworked in cvs,


Previous comments:

Thu, 08 Sep 2005 17:58:06 +0000 : timcn

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/node_33.patch (8.24 KB)

Unfortunately you can only give a role permission to "access content"
and/or "administer nodes". But often, this does not suffice. You want
editors to be able to browse the nodes in the "content" section and for
example allow them to make a node sticky. But you don't want them to
delete a node or change it's visibility.

My patch offers the following permissions:

* access content
* administer nodes
* change revision setting
* delete nodes
* make nodes sticky
* moderate nodes
* promote nodes

It does also really check if the user is allowed to perform a certain
action and deny it if that is not the case. It does also hide the
specified checkboxes and options from the dropdown box.

The patch is for 4.6.3 but should also work with HEAD.


Thu, 08 Sep 2005 18:27:04 +0000 : Boris Mann

+1 for concept. Will test and follow-up.

The revision permission will need to be merged with the revision patch.


Thu, 08 Sep 2005 18:51:51 +0000 : kbahey

+1 on the concept too.

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