[development] Getting Around The Limitations of hook_db_rewrite_sql

Sohodojo Jim salmons at sohodojo.com
Mon Apr 3 13:57:30 UTC 2006


	I have recently wrestled with this limitation, too, in the development of 
my node_visibility_bysite module [1]...

Rob Thorne wrote:
> I'm writing a module for 4.7 that needs to control access to nodes that 
> are only viewable by users who are approved via an external module.  To 
> determine if a node is viewable,  I need to check the user *and* the 
> node id.  This would work, except for a design decision that was made 
> "for performance".  Here's what it says in the docs, in the article 
> about "Node access rights" 
> (http://api.drupal.org/api/HEAD/group/node_access):
>    In node listings, the process above is followed except that
>    hook_access <http://api.drupal.org/api/HEAD/function/hook_access>()
>    is not called on each node for performance reasons and for proper
>    functioning of the pager system. When adding a node listing to your
>    module, be sure to use db_rewrite_sql
>    <http://api.drupal.org/api/HEAD/function/db_rewrite_sql>() to add
>    the appropriate clauses to your query for access checks.
> In other words, even if you set up your hook_access to prohibit viewing 
> of your content, Drupal 4.7 *will display your private content to an 
> anonymous user*.  Once your private node gets added to the list, there 
> are no further checks to your hook access to determine if your node is 
> safe to display.   I don't see any way that hook_db_rewrite_sql can be 
> used for this purpose, since there is no simple relationship between the 
> current user and whether a node should be viewable, short of doing one 
> of the following things:
>    * I could use a IN ()  clause to list every node id of the given
>      type that the given user is allowed to see.  This may work in my
>      current situation, but there can easily be *thousands* of these in
>      some applications.  So this is not a general solution.


	In my case, I ended up with a core hack similar to what you describe here. 
That is, I did a module-specific conditional extension within db_rewrite_sql.

	The problem and its solution, I believe, is implicit in your note. There is 
an underlying presumption in the node_access mechanism that content access 
conditions are limited to decisions about users and their roles. IOW, _any_ 
node access decision must be made in the absence of knowledge about the node 
in question.

> <rant>
> IMNHO, this is complete insane.
> </rant>

	It is an annoyance for sure, but it is probably not completely insane. It 
is situations like this, however, where I truly miss pure object design 
(having spent over 20 years as a Smalltalker).

	I believe the best solution, in your case and mine, is to have a reasoned 
discussion on how to extend the node access mechanism to be "node-aware." I 
believe tweaking the parameter spec of this hook mechanism _may_ be all that 
is needed to allow both user/role and node-state conditional decisions about 
content visibility.

	I say "_may_ all that is needed" because there is the possibility that 
execution-order issues may bite us if we were to rely on a single stage node 
access mechanism. There may need to be a two-stage mechanism that allows 
node-state conditions to be applied prior to user/role conditions.

	Regardless of how best to do it, I agree 100% that we need a more flexible 
node access hook mechanism.

	--Sohodojo Jim--

[1] http://lists.drupal.org/archives/development/2006-04/msg00010.html


	Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
	Founders and Research Directors
	Sohodojo - http://sohodojo.com

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