[development] Javascript Tools and Backport: developer-interest modules

Nedjo Rogers nedjo at islandnet.com
Wed Apr 19 16:18:43 UTC 2006

A couple of recent module postings coming in part from CivicSpace work that 
developers might wish to use:

1. Javascript Tools, http://drupal.org/node/57285, offers a number of js and 
AJAX tools that developers might wish to use in their modules. The aim is a 
toolkit that provides clean, Drupalish implementations of a full range of 
standardly-needed JS functionality, plus some extras.


* wforms.module, form features like multi-page client-side forms, including 
methods for generating them using the Forms API
* tabs.module, client-side tabs, again with Forms API methods
* activemenu.module, AJAX-based tree menu for standard Drupal menus 
(navigation, etc.).
* jscalendar.module, popup calendar, added to textfields by including a 
'jscalendar' class
* etc.

See the README.txt files with each component module for details on how to 
use these in your modules.

Also, as you develop new JS tools, please consider adding them to this 
package :)

2. Backport, http://drupal.org/node/57119, makes Forms API and Drupal 
javascript available in 4.6.

If you need to develop in 4.6 but want your code to be usable as well in 
4.7, you can install Backport and code forms (and Javascript) using 4.7 
methods. Probably this is more useful for custom modules than ones for 
general distribution. We're  using this for Goodstorm to enhance the 4.6 
site while making sure our code will work in 4.7 as well. 

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