[development] Some issues and their fixes with Drupal 4.6.6 and PostgreSQL

JasonN imjasonn at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 01:24:27 UTC 2006

First, to submit a patch: http://drupal.org/node/22568

> I have a patch that fixes this issue reasonably. Please let me know how
> I should go about contributing it. Perhaps I could post the patch
> somewhere - either on this list or on one of the forums on drupal.org -
> and then one of the contributors can propagate it to the source code.

I'm sure nobody would mind you posting your fix to the list.  Though
that's not technically the way to submit a bug fix, it's a nice thing
to offer those of us who'll not likely benefit from your work lest you
apply it to 4.7 and it's accepted.

Just send us an URL with your fix and tell us about it.  Since
Drupal's in 4.7 mode right now, your fix may get slotted for limbo
land.  But, if you can hone your fix for 4.7, that would be nice.


Jason A. Nunnelley

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