[development] Where to find free icons?

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Mon Aug 14 07:49:46 UTC 2006

Op zondag 13 augustus 2006 08:53, schreef Darrel:
> I'm working on a bunch of file specific stuff, and I've been trying to
> do some little things to spruce up the file forms. One thing I've done
> is add a filetype icon... I borrowed some from PHP File Navigator
> (http://pfn.sourceforge.net). I'm not sure if their licensing allows me
> to use them, and I want to avoid any possible license conflicts... Can
> anyone recommend a place to find freeware icons for filetypes...
> preferably as images... all I keep finding are .ico's....
> .darrel.

Nice place to start hunting: 
http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=22x27 they have a datafield 
called "licence".
I used http://nuovext.pwsp.net/ for quicktags.

and FWIW: this discussion is really closed, see Dries' comment here:

«We're not lawyers, so let's try not to  
make up our own rules, or mix licenses without knowing what we are  
doing. » -- Dries


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