[development] New Themes for New Drupal

Jason Flatt drupal at oadae.net
Tue Aug 29 16:56:25 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 29 August 2006 04:33, Jeff Robbins wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2006, at 6:25 AM, Neil Drumm wrote:
> >
> > These themes need to be somewhere between "looks like Drupal" and
> > "clean enough to build off of." What I see here looks like a full
> > palate competing with the Drupal branding and the themer trying to
> > find the shortest way to their own color scheme. It does look good,
> > but too far from bluemarine to be a good default.
> Please see: http://drupaltheme.lullabot.com/node?theme=zen-beach
> That's the most "Drupaly" theme and the one that I would probably
> vote for as default.

It's a fixed width theme and Bluemarine is not. I know lots of people like 
fixed width themes and Web sites, but I personally can't stand them. I hate 
having to scroll down a long page when there's 2-4 inches of unused screen 
real-estate on either side of the content. If I want a narrower presentation, 
I'll re-size the browser window (which makes the text wrap, which sets Morbus 
on edge... :^)).

Jason Flatt
Father of Six:  http://www.flattfamily.com/ (Joseph, 13; Cramer, 11; Travis, 
9; Angela; Harry, 5; and William, 12:04 am, 12-29-2005)
Linux User:     http://www.sourcemage.org/
Drupal Fanatic: http://drupal.org/

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