[development] 4.7.5 release

Scott McLewin drupal at mclewin.com
Fri Dec 22 18:03:07 UTC 2006

>> http://drupal.org/node/104693
> Thanks, I've reverted that patch.
Ok good.  I'll bring down 4.7.5 to our test site again and continue to 
work it over.  One of our users reported what sounds like the duplicate 
cookie sessions problem just last night.  I was pleased to see that 
issue as one of the three you drew attention to
> Drupal.org has two IPs,  and
Good to know.  I've got both in there now.  I was only ever seeing the 
.46 one attempt to authenticate me.
> I think mod_security is a module that creates a lot of difficult to 
> track down problems...
> Depending on configuration is breaks forms that contain values that it 
> disapproves of. Completely harmless values.
That is a much nicer description than I would have given it.  I leave it 
in because it's one of those things that I don't fully understand, our 
provider's admin strongly recommends it be on, and I cannot quantify the 
impact of not having it. 


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