[development] Session timeout module

Kobus Myburgh ITBJDM at puknet.puk.ac.za
Tue Feb 7 13:04:06 UTC 2006

Hi, Ahmad,

My coding skills aren't that good, so I won't add anything ;-) But I will wait for your addition of my suggestion before implementing it :-)



>>> ahmad at hitech-iraq.com 2/7/2006 2:51:17 PM >>>
Hi Kobus,
 Thanks for your feedback,
 I welcome any suggestions about the module.
 I agree with you, adding such a counterdown clock is easy to implement and yet very useful... I hope i would find time for it later this week.
 meanwhile, you are welcomed to add anything you want as far as you share it with us ;)..
Kobus Myburgh <ITBJDM at puknet.puk.ac.za> wrote: Hi, Ahmad,

This sounds like a great module - I've needed that on a previous site that I created. Would be good if you can add a countdown timer to warn the user if it will time-out before it actually times out. If I am, for example, on the site, and the phone rings, and currently busy filling out a huge form, I'd be mightily peeved off if the thing times out without warning.

I personally would be able to use a module like that (using JavaScript for the countdown timer), that is why I make the suggestion. I figure that:

1. If it is configurable
2. It is safe

nobody would object to the JS code in the module, and I think it would be simple to implement, perhaps just reset the session time-out counter every time activity is recorded on the site?

This would be a GREAT addition for someone who uses the e-Commerce module.

What do you think?



>>> ahmad at hitech-iraq.com 2/7/2006 1:27:37 PM >>>
hi guys,
 I wrote a module to allow administrators to specify a certain session timeout for each role in drupal site.
 If the user stop interacting with site for the specified time or longer... the site will ask the user for his/here user name and password....
 If any one is interested i can send the module to the list or otherwise upload it to cvs.

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