[development] a taxonomy for users?

Robert Douglass rob at robshouse.net
Sat Feb 18 09:15:15 UTC 2006

The nodesingleton and usercategories modules in my sandbox were written 
to do this. I was unhappy with the approach in the end, so never 
released the modules, but here is what they do;

nodesingleton enforces that a user can only have one of a certain type 
of node. usercategories creates a profile node for every user (there can 
only be one), and this node is nothing except a container for taxonomy 
widgets (though you could ostensibly location enable it as well, or use 
it for file uploads, or any number of things that nodes can do). I seem 
to remember that the node renders itself by rendering its user instead, 
so the users show up in node listings where they've been categorized.

All in all, it is merely a demonstration of what we could be doing if 
users were nodes (or could at least participate in the nodeapi system).


Nedjo Rogers wrote:
> Can anyone point me to existing code for classifying users by taxonomy 
> (i.e., assigning terms to users)?
> Thanks, Nedjo

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