[development] Re: [infrastructure] [task] Spreadsheet of Drupal 4.6 modules and their terms in categories

Robert Castelo robert.castelo at cortextcommunications.com
Mon Feb 20 17:56:33 UTC 2006

On 20 Feb 2006, at 13:31, Dries Buytaert wrote:

>> I still want to go through and make sure that at least the 25 modules 
>> in the taxonomy garden have the term category.
> I finished the parser and tested it on scratch.drupal.org with the 
> latest spreadsheet taken from http://drupal.org/node/50091.  You can 
> see the result at http://scratch.drupal.org/project/Modules.  
> (Whenever the spreadsheet is updated, I'll do a fresh import.)
> Please take some time to test it out.  If you have suggestions for 
> user interface improvements, please post these to the project module's 
> issue tracker (http://drupal.org/project/project).

Nice, looking good.

Two points...

Once you're in one of the category pages there is no info displayed 
showing which category you're looking at.

Would be useful to be able to see just a list of items in each 
category, rather than running through the teasers and links for each 
one. In most cases the module titles are self explanatory, a list would 
allow you to go straight to the module you want.

Best regards,


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