[development] Re: enterprise needs

Darrel O'Pry dopry at thing.net
Mon Feb 27 16:13:20 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-02-26 at 20:50 -0600, Larry Garfield wrote:
> On Sunday 26 February 2006 19:57, Ken Rickard wrote:
> > Thanks, that's a great list.  My problem (which I had to explain to Karoly)
> > is that I'm not a sysadmin, so I can't implement (or even really explain)
> > these points.
> That's another concern.  Most of what Ben listed, while great advice, requires 
> a dedicated server.
> How well does Drupal scale (number of users or number of nodes) for cases when 
> you're on a shared host, and so don't have access to opcaches, db 
> replication, etc?  How can one squeeze the most performance out of a shared 
> hosting environment?  I don't know the answer that that, personally, but if 
> someone does, please point me to the handbook page (or write one if it 
> doesn't exist).

I personally think, if you are concerned about how drupal scales, you
probably shouldn't be using a shared hosting account...

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